Maria Raffaella Vuolo

Maria Raffaella Vuolo works as a Consultant in agrometeorology for FAO and other public and private organizations. Since completing a Ph.D. in physics, she has covered a wide range of research topics related to agrometeorology and climate change adaptation and mitigation. She deals with modelling, measurement, coordination and regulatory aspects of environmental and climatic issues. With FAO, she is mainly responsible of models’ development, data management and analysis, and coordination with institutions in countries for assessing climate change impacts and elaborating adaptation measures. In the framework of several FAO projects and programmes (NAP, Save and Grow, AMICAF and others) she conducted trainings and provided continuous support to research and governmental institutions in various countries, from needs and vulnerabilities assessment, up to the publication of the project/programme outcomes.


Raffaella has worked with many research institutions both in France and Italy, such as LSCE (Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement),  INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique), CNR (National Research Council), and others, dealing with agrometeorology, atmospheric dispersion and climate change mitigation.  She co-authored a number of peer-reviewed journal articles and project reports, including several FAO publications on MOSAICC results, policy recommendations and Climate Smart Agriculture.