Training Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation Methods and Possible Indicators in the Agricultural and water sectors

Training Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation Methods and Possible Indicators in the Agricultural and water sectors

The overall objective of this training workshop is to support Outcome- 2 of the project                  (Strengthening national technical capacities) and project activity 2.3.2 

Specific objectives of this training are to:

  1. Enhance participant’s knowledge about fundamental concepts of monitoring and evaluation
  2. Participants get acquainted with monitoring and evaluation’s approaches.
  3. Equip participants with skills of identifying indicators and targets in general and with respect to adaptation planning and implementation in water and agricultural sectors.

Time: This training will be conducted on 28-30 September 2021

Venue:  Paradise Hotel – Khartoum

Target beneficiaries: This training is designed for 40 participants who will be selected from the agricultural and water sectors experts and other stakeholders, according to the following criteria:

  1. Expert selected should be Engaged in adaptation implementation (is a must) 
  2. Expert would be a member or contributing to State Technical Committee activities (if not available) can select from outside the sector one with relevant experience to adaptation/M&E/information) context.
  3. Gender Balance should be considered  

The total number of beneficiaries will be 40 participants of experts in water and agricultural sectors two from each state (36 state participants from 18 states) 4 participants from stakeholders at the national level.  

The expected number of audiences is 48 including participants and project support staff.


The training workshop will be theoretical and participatory practical learning-by-doing program, which simultaneously build capacity to produce results of immediate value. The workshop will include discussion and working groups. Participants during the introductory session will be asked by the facilitator about their expectation of the workshop, will be revealed when the facilitator presented the workshop objectives and compare them with the participants stated expectations to show participants awareness of reason about participation in the workshop. 

Workshop content:

This training will cover the following topics:

  1. Project overview and adaptation concept
  2. Basic concepts about M&E
  3. Logical framework and results chain
  4. Data sources and instruments
  5. Indicators and targets 
  6. Indicators and targets of agricultural and water sectors (adaptation context)

Expected Outcomes:

After completing this course, the participant will:

  1. Know about M&E function and role
  2. Use M&E approaches and techniques in his work.
  3. Know and aware about indicators at different levels of the results hierarchy.
  4. Know and aware about indicators of agriculture and water sectors especially cc adaptation indicators.

Training Workshop on Monitoring and Evaluation Methods and Possible

Indicators in the Agricultural and water sectors

Project A planned intervention with a clear set to closely linked objectives usually

lasting no more than 5 years

Program A set of complementary projects designed to converge on outcomes at a

higher level of the results chain

Accountability The means by which people and organizations are held responsible for their

actions by having to account for them to other people.

Beneficiaries The people, networks, organizations, or institutions targeted by a

development intervention

Evidence The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or

proposition is true or valid.

Indicator A variable that measures progress towards intended result
Baseline study An analysis describing the situation prior to or at the start of a development

intervention against which progress can be assessed

Logic model A visual representation showing specific linkages between elements of

results chain

Findings Summaries, impressions, or conclusions reached after an examination or

investigation of data

Formative evaluation An early examination of an active programme with the aim of identifying

areas for improvement in its design and
performance. (Conducted during implementation)

Target A specific value imposed on an indicator
Project cycle The process and sequence in which a project develops from start to finish.
Or an approach describing the main tasks involved in managing a project

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