Capacity Building Training Workshop on Climate Data Analysis and Usages for National Adaptation

Capacity Building Training Workshop on Climate Data Analysis and Usages for National Adaptation

The government of Sudan represented by the Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources (HCNER) has received fund from the GCF in support of National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Readiness through the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) under the programme titled “strengthening adaptation planning processes and capacity for implementation of adaptation actions in agricultural and water sectors in the Sudan”. 

The NAP Readiness, with a focus on agriculture and water addresses gaps in the 2016 NAP of the Republic of the Sudan, including an identified lack of Climate Change (CC) data and information and impact assessments, well-designed training opportunities for Climate Change impact modelling at the State and federal levels, and Capacities of State-level Technical Committees for CC adaptation planning and implementation. 

This project was prepared jointly by the FAO and the HCENR (GCF-National Designated Authority (NDA)/Focal Point (FP)), to support the generation of mid- to long-term CC projections and vulnerability assessments (and the national capacity to take on such task without external support in the future) and help to re-strengthening the State-level Technical Committees for CC adaptation (which provide the foundation for revising and updating the NAP 2016 in the future). This project will strengthen female representation in the State-level Technical Committees for adaptation planning and thus will lay the foundation for continuous equal participation of women in CC adaptation planning processes beyond this project. Beneficiaries will be the Technical Committees at state-level, smallholder farmers, pastoralists, NGOs, CSOs, and research institutions including Sudan Meteorological Authority (SMA), the Institute of Environmental Studies of the University of Khartoum, and Agricultural Research Corporation and the National Centre for Research. 

The objective of this NAP Readiness Project is to strengthen climate change (CC) adaptation planning in the Sudan based on updated and reliable CC data. Data and information made available under this project will be absorbed and utilized through the 18 reactivated State-Level Technical Committees, which will operate in an inclusive participatory manner and inform the national-level adaptation planning (and implementation under Phase 2 of the GCF adaptation planning process) in the Sudan. 

The project will be implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), which is an Accredited Entity (AE) to the Green Climate Fund (GCF), acting as a Delivery Partner (DP) for this Readiness project and working in close collaboration with the Higher Council for Environment and Natural Resources (HCENR) which is GCF NDA. The timeframe for the project implementation is two-year period from 2020 to 2022.


The overall objective of the capacity building training workshop is to support implement the project activity 2.1.1 through:

  • Elevating the capacities of federal and state-level technical committees to participate effectively in the climate change projection process and product production.
  1. Analysis of climate trends and climate change downscaled projections.
  2. Equip the participants with the climate analysis tools and techniques to participate in the climate change projection process effectively and effectively. This course aims to raise participants’ skills and knowledge of ways to analyze climate data and how to use them to update the National Plan for.
  3. Interpolation of the climate change projections information to support NAP update process.

Course Period:

This course lasts for (3) three days from September 7 to September 9, 2021.

Venue: The course will be held in (to be determined later)

Target Audience

This course targets members of the Technical Committees in all the states and agriculture and water sectors specialists, researchers in the universities and the specialized research institutions.

Number of Participants:

The expected number of participants is 54 participants.

State Description
Participants Secretariate
Khartoum (Beneficiaries) 14 4
The other states (TC) 36

Delivering Methodology:

  1. This course contains theoretical and practical sessions. 
  2. The theoretical part accounts for 25% of the cycle, while the practical part is 75%.
  3. Trainees will be directed during the practical part. A practical guide on analytical methods will also be distributed to help the trainee follow up on the application of the analysis.
  4. Participants will be divided into groups during the sessions to complete the group exercises and to ensure their active participation.

Materials and Tools:

  1. The training materials will be distributed on daily bases in softcopy format.
  2. Overhead projector will be used for displaying the materials.
  3. Trainees are requested to bring their own laptops for the practical sessions.
  4. Flip Charts and Sticky Notes will be used during the practical sessions.


The following are restricting criteria for participation:

  1. Participants must bring their laptops.
  2. The trainees should be good in English.
  3. The trainee must not be more than 45 years old.

Expected Outcomes:

After completing this course, the participant will be able to:

  1. Distinguished between the climate variability and climate change.
  2. Address the impact of the climate change on agriculture and water sectors in Sudan.
  3. Allocate the climate and climate change projections data.
  4. The difference between climate variability and climate change.
  5. Find out how to analyze climate elemental data (rain and temperatures).
  6. Learn how to clarify the behavior of certain elements and link them to the potential effects of climate change.
  7. Find out how climate variability and climate change affect agriculture and water sectors.
  8. How to use climate change projections to update the National Climate Change Plan.

Training Instructor: 

Name Position E-mail Cell Phone
Ammar Mokhtar Gomaha Gaber National Consultant +2249129995222

Training Workshop Agenda and Timetable:

Day First session

09:00 – 11:00 AM

Breakfast – and Prayer

11.30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Second Session

12:30 p.m. – 02:30 p.m.


September 7, 2021

Registration and Opening Session Climate Data: Sources and in-depth analysis

(Obtain and Analysis – Practical Session)


60 -90 minutes

Overview of Climate of Sudan and Agriculture

September 8, 2021

Climate Variability and Climate Change impacts on Agriculture Hands-on Analysis of Climate Data (Getting to know the CC information) Practice

60 – 90 minutes


September 9, 2021

Beyond Climate Maps: Usage of Climate Information in NAP Climate Change Projections for Developing National Adaptation Plan (NAP)


Interpolation of CC Projections (Rainfall & Temperature)


60 minutes


No. Item Quantity  Total
Flip charts 5 5
Sticky Note (different colors) 30 30
Markers 5 packages 5
Note books 54 54
Pens 54 54



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